[Uneex] TEST & newbie question
Ivanov, Vladimir
Mon, 9 Jul 2001 16:50:02 +0200
>> I suppose at summer everething seems to go down?
>> Has George gone for vacation?
> I'm not on the vacation now. I'm on Bulgarian Coginitive
> Science Summer School. In Sofia, not in Varna :). Meeting funny
> Psycologist and Neural Networks Buidelrs ;))). We got almost no
> connetction to Russia. But I can be at my grep.po.cs.msu.su via ssh from
> toime to time. You alse can SMS me (it costs noting), or call me from
> MTS operator (it also costs nothing to me).
If you are on rouming it seems to be strange that it costs nothing to
you... or, you've hacked SUN 10000 where billing system is located in MTS?
Anyway, even Bulgaria is too far from me to visit it for a weekend :(
Vladimir Ivanov