[cs.msu.ru]: Elisabeth, 34 y.o., 170/54. The young wealthy woman, looking for a decent man!

Elisabeth, 34 y.o. iclubcs на teeperos.eu
Вт Июн 19 02:56:05 MSK 2018

The young wealthy woman, 
looking for a decent man!
Elisabeth, 34 y.o., 

The profile of the user 
I am looking for an 
intelligent DECENT MAN, a real connoisseur of female 
I want to catch the hungry glances 
of my man and to be happy, relax together, enjoy our lives.
I'm financially secure, I can be the 
sponsor in our relationship.
 Am easy to 
communicate, funny, respect private life and personal views on 
Men having all sorts of difficulties 
or wives, please don't waste the time of mine and yours.
My life and the 
Facebook page >
**You have received this message 
because you are registered on the Dating website since 
12.06.2016. This profile is suitable for the conditions of your 
Please let us know if you have 
already found your soul mate and we will not disturb 
you again.
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