[cs.msu.ru]: Business Investment Partnership Proposal.

FALAH KATEB falahkateb на hotmail.com
Вт Мар 25 10:38:05 MSK 2014


 I am contacting you briefly based on the Investment of a reasonable
amount of money presently deposited with a Financial Bank which i will
disclose to you later, I have a client who is  interested to invest in
your country, but he has never done business in your country before.I
find it imperative to solicit for a partnership.
We will require you to do the following for us:

(1) Assist in the transfer of the said sum.
(2) Advise on lucrative areas for investment. (3) Assist us in purchase of

Hence upon receipt of this message,I implore you to kindly respond and let
me know how possible it is to work with you in mutual partnership.My
client desires absolute confidentiality in the handling and management of
this brief within 5 years. Please send your response back to me on my
email address:: falahkateb на aol.com

I will appreciate that you include a brief profile of yourself and your
company if possible for me to better appreciate your personality.I look
forward to your response and our partnership.

Mr.Falah Kateb.
Sayed & sayed  International Law Firm

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