[cs.msu.ru]: I hope to hear back from you

John Badu johnbadu113 на hotmail.com
Ср Мар 12 21:59:36 MSK 2014

My dearest friend,
I understand how my message may meet you by surprise but i will like  
to inform you that i am of a good purpose and intention in choosing to  
write this personal email to you.My name is John Badu,actually i am a   
48 year old black man from Nigeria Africa but currently i am serving a  
life sentence for possession of hard drugs in Malaysia.I am contacting  
you through this medium because i have a very important message i wish  
to convey to you.It certainly will be of good interest to you.I was  
not given enough time to explain further in details to you because of  
the small time allocated to me to use this computer system.
I want you to write back to me and in the next email i will be able to  
explain to you further in details of my intention and purpose of  
contacting you.

I remain yours sincerely
John Badu

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

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