[cs.msu.ru]: 1st CfP World Congress The Frontiers in Intelligent Data and Signal Analysis DSA 2015

DSA 2015, Hamburg Germany info на ibai-institute-newletter.de
Чт Апр 24 12:08:12 MSK 2014


                        World Congress
                      1st Call for Papers
       The Frontiers in Intelligent Data and Signal Analysis
                          DSA 2015
                        Hamburg, Germany
                  July, 11th - July, 24th 2015


Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemens,

We like to invite you to our next worldcongress 
"The Frontiers in Intelligent Data and Signal Analysis DSA 2015"
in Hamburg, Germany taking place from July, 11th to July 24th, 2015.
Please mark the submission data January 15th, 2015 in your calendar.

We are looking forward to your contributions.

The this year congress will take place in St. Petersburg from July 12 to July 25th.
We are looking forward to a extra ordinary program.
You are invited to participate in this congress. Please register at www.mldm.de or 
www.data-mining-forum.de, or www.mda-signals.de.

Sincerely yours,

Prof. Dr. Petra Perner
Congress Chair


The Congress will feature three International Conferences:

* International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining, MLDM 2015
   July 18th - July 24th, 2015

* Industrial Conference on Data Mining, ICDM 2015
   July 15th - July 20st, 2015

* International Conference on Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals in
   Medicine, Biotechnology, Chemistry, and Food Industry, MDA 2015
   July 12th - July 15th, 2013

*** Paper submission deadline is January 15th, 2015. ***


Besides that five workshops will be held:

* Intern. Workshop Case-Based Reasoning, CBR-MD 2015

* Intern. Workshop Data Mining in Agriculture, DMA 2015

* Intern. Workshop on Data Mining in Marketing, DMM 2015

* International Workshop I-Business to Manufacturing and LifeSciences B2ML 2015


Five Tutorials will be given:

* Data Mining

* Case-Based Reasoning

* Intelligent Signal and Image Analysis

* Standardization in Immunofluorescence

* Big Data & Text Analytics


Special Sessions

* Industry Session


Papers are published by Springer Verlag http://www.springer.de
and by ibai-publishing house http://www.ibai-publishing.org.


Industrial Exhibition, Book and Job Fair

We like to invite you to present your company or publishing house at the
Industrial Exhibition ieda 2013. 

Social Events

Party in Hamburg



ibai solutions http://www.ibai-solutions.de
ImageInterpret GmbH http://www.imageinterpret.de


Hamburg Do, 24.Apr.2014

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