[cs.msu.ru]: Vol. 6 Intern. Journal Transactions on Mass Data Analysis of Signals and Images in Medicine, Biology, Chemistry, Food Industry

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Чт Апр 24 11:05:26 MSK 2014

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the new issue of  the International Journal
Transactions on Mass Data Analysis on Signals and Images in Medicine, Biotechnology, Chemistry and Food Industry

Volume 6 - Number 1 - September 2013

Table of Contents

1   Editorial
    N. Méger

3   A New Method for Solving the Point-Correspondence Problem between Two Shapes and Their Similarity Calculation
    P. Perner and S. Jänichen

15  Image Segmentation of Fungi Spores by a Similarity-Based Object Recognition Algorithm
    P. Perner and S. Jänichen

For further information please look at


We would like to invite you to contribute to this journal.

Looking forward to your submissions.

Kind regards,

Sylvia Schmiedel
Editorial Assistant

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ibai publishing Fockendorf, Germany

Do, 24.Apr.2014

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